Lineare Optimierung - integer Simplex- Zuschnittproblem
cutting-stock problem - simplex integer programm
An order for
30 pieces of length 2,
10 pieces of length 3
20 pieces of length 4
is to be cut from stock lengths 5, 6, and 9 with
costs respectively of 6, 7, and 10
D,E,F,G,H,I,J Zuschnitt-Muster, D1:J1 standard längen auf Lager (Cutting pattern, stock length)
Spreadsheet calculation table Simplex linear integer prgramm

- X Input tableau transfer from Spreadsheet
- make Start Tableau for Dual Simplex program (dual simplex minimize programm) doing simplex steps until cost row (last) all elements positiv
- make minimum number col x5 integer delete col x5 in input tableau (1.) and subtract units produced x5 in row 1 input cost 3x6=18 in Z
- make Dual Simplex Tableau doing simplex steps until cost row (last) all elements positiv
- Puuh, remaining cutting pattern are integers
- transfer to spreadsheet row 6
- x1=1 - 5 m Standard - 1 Einheit verwendet
- x4=11
- x5=3 - 6 m Standard - 14 Einheiten
- x6=9 - 9 m Standard - 9 Einheiten
- Kosten 173+3 x 7=194 für 24 Einheiten