Statistics: Collected Resources
This GeoGebra book collects all of the GeoGebra activities created by Dr. Jack L. Jackson II for the study of Probability and Statistics. It also collects many of the best probability and statistics activities created by other mathematics educators. Dr. Jackson has a YouTube channel with complete lectures for an introductory course in Probability and Statistics as well as several other classes. It includes lectures using many of the activities in this book. The channel can be found at www.YouTube.com/c/DrJackLJacksonII.

Table of Contents
1 Descriptive Statistics
- Statistics Vocabulary
- Identifying Parameters & Statistics
- Frequency and Relative Frequency Distributions
- Cumulative Frequency Distributions
- 15-1.1 Bar Chart
- Bar Graph and Pie Chart Demonstration
- Probability Histogram
- Dynamic Stat Measures
- Descriptive Statistics Dot Plot Box Plot More
- Descriptive Statistics Dot Plot Box Plot 2 Data Sets
- Multiple Box Plots
- IM 6.8.14 Lesson: Comparing Mean and Median
- IM 6.8.14 Practice: Comparing Mean and Median
- Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
- AQR Section 17: Where's the Mean?
- IM 6.8.11 Lesson: Variability and MAD
- Standard Deviation Investigation
- Step Through Basic Statistics with TI 83/84 Calculator
- Center & Spread Exploration
- How transformations affect the mean and standard deviation
- IM Alg1.1.13 Practice: More Standard Deviation
- Open Middle Histogram Exercise (2)
- Sketch a Cumulative Frequency Curve
- Cumulative Frequency
- Frequency and Relative Frequency Distributions
- Practice Activity on MEAN, MEDIAN AND MODE
- AQR Section 17: Where's the Mean?
- Mean Median Mode -Tabulated Data with Visual Mode
- Bar Chart or Pie Chart?
- Pie Chart
- Bar Graphs and Pie Charts
- Box and Whisker Plot: What Do You Notice?
2. Discrete Probability
- Experimental Probability Spinner
- Playing Card Tool (SVG)
- Want to bet on it? #3 SIMULATION From Brilliant.org
- The Birthday Paradox Simulation
- Probability
- Probability: Selecting Balls
- Venn diagram calculator
- Venn Diagrams
- Venn diagram
- Set Notation & Venn Diagrams
- Venn Diagrams
- Non-transitive Spinners
- Probability and Tree Diagram
- Balls in a box
- tree-diagram
- Tree diagram and binomial coefficients
- Binomial and Hypergeometric Probability Trees
- Hypergeometric, Binomial, and Normal Probability
- Probability Calculator
- Two Probability Trees A
- Two Probability Trees B
- planche de Galton
- Coin Flip Simulation
3. Continuous Probability
4. Inferential Statistics