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GeoGebra Classroom
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GeoGebra Classroom
Spiral of Theodorus (Square Root Spiral)
Inscribed circle Tool (1)
Inner circle
Inner circle with radius (Sofia)
Tool 8-9-10 stars
Tools 8 star (3 var)
Tools 5 - 7 Stars
star tool by Elias (8-pointed)
star tool 1 by Elias (4 pointed)
Pythagoras Tree Tool
spiral by "trace and animate" (GER)
Spiral tool (Theodorus) by Elias (GER)
Spiral tools with halfcircles (Matthis, GER)
A.M.E. - Art & Math Exhibition
This book contains GeoGebra files in which additional tools have been created, for example: creating the circle inscribed in a triangle, Euler Circle, creating the spirals, etc
Spiral of Theodorus (Square Root Spiral)
Inscribed circle Tool (1)
Inner circle
Inner circle with radius (Sofia)
Tool 8-9-10 stars
Tools 8 star (3 var)
Tools 5 - 7 Stars
star tool by Elias (8-pointed)
star tool 1 by Elias (4 pointed)
Pythagoras Tree Tool
spiral by "trace and animate" (GER)
Spiral tool (Theodorus) by Elias (GER)
Spiral tools with halfcircles (Matthis, GER)
Spiral of Theodorus (Square Root Spiral)
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အခြေခံ data အခေါ်အဝေါ်များ
Constructing an Inscribed Equilateral Triangle + Activities
GeoGebra around GeoGebra
Pendulum Snake
Monge's Theorem
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Discovering Pythagoras' Theorem
sss congruence exit slip - Velez
Lesson 5.2 - Investigation
Rhombitrihexagonal tiling generalization
Particles in a box
Discover Topics
Poisson Distribution
Curve Sketching
Right Triangles
Arithmetic Mean