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GeoGebraGeoGebra Ders

UnMessUpable Figures 1

Using Shape 1, complete the following tasks. Write down your thoughts in your notebook.

1) Without any measurements, identify the shape. 2) Label each vertex and measure all four angles. 3) Drag one point - will it always maintain its basic structure? 4) Continue to repeat Step #3 until you've tried all vertices!

Shape 1

Using Shape 2, complete the following tasks. Write down your thoughts in your notebook.

1) Without any measurements, identify the shape. 2) Label each vertex and measure all four angles. 3) Drag one point - will it always maintain its basic structure?

Shape 1 is "MessUpAble" where Shape 2 is considered to be "UnMessUpable." Based on what you observed in these sketches, come up with your own working definition of: UnMessUpAble

When a shape is UnMessUpAble, certain information is an invariant. a) Define invariant b) Identify ALL parts of Shape 2 that remain as an invariant.