assignment 14
A cone is a distinctive three- dimensional geometric figure that has a flat surface and a curved surface. The end of the cone is called the Apex : whereas the flat surface is called the base.
In a cone, there is one circular face .
Zero edges and one vertex.
Applet of Net of Cone.
User Guideline
-If you move slider h then there becomes the changes in height of cone .
- there is two surfaces in a cone the blue surface is called curved surface and Red surface is flat surface.
- If you move slider then there becomes a net of cone.
applet of net of cone
Construction protocol
1. Open a new GeoGebra window.
2. Open 3D-graphics perspective .
3. Input A=(0,0,0)
4. Make a number slider a with min --5 and max-5
5.Create a point P(a,0,0) and C(0,0,a).
6.jJoin the point P and C.
7. make a angle slider with min-0 and max-360.
8.Input Surface (f,,Z axis ) from the input bar.
9. Also draw a circle through point A to Z Axis .
10. Hide all unnecessary object from the applet and write text Net Of cone from the text tool.
11. Decorate/Enhance your construction from the object properties.
Test Your Understandings
Q.n 1.How many Surfaces in a cone?
적용되는 모든 것을 선택하세요.
- A
- B
- C
- D