21 - Light & dark Grades 5 - 8

Grades 5 - 8 Duration: 2 x 45 min Tools: one Logifaces set / person, Photographic paper, Developer andfixer solutions, 3 trays for the chemical solutions and water wash, Safelight Individual / Pair work Keywords: Alternative photographic process, Photographic image made without a camera, Street art stencil 

Light & dark


ART / Plane and spatial works

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION LESSON 1 The students work in a darkroom with a safelight. The pairs of students place the photographic paper on a horizontal surface and compose a profile of one of the students on the paper. The design is illuminated with white light for 1 second. After the flash of light, the photographic paper is placed in the developer until the image appears on the surface. After this it is washed in the water tray, then transferred to the tray of fixer for 3-4 minutes. The photographic paper is then left to dry. The last creative step is to recreate the human profile by rotating the Logifaces blocks. LESSON 2 The next creative step is to transform the human profile into a geometric network face by rotating the Logifaces blocks. Using the geometric face profile, the students make a paper cut-out and use it as a stencil.

Experiments by György Kepes

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