Classic 6

You can access the GeoGebra Classic Exam Mode by using the download version of GeoGebra Classic 6 for macOS or Windows.
To start the Exam Mode in our Classic 6 app you have two options:
  • Start GeoGebra Classic and choose Exam Mode from the appearing picker.
  • Start GeoGebra Classic, click the Menu button in the right upper corner and open the Perspectives menu. Choose Exam Mode.

Start Exam

After selecting the Exam Mode, a dialog appears where you can decide if you want to ...
  • use the full functionality of GeoGebra (default settings).
  • deactivate the CAS View.
  • deactivate the 3D Graphics View.
If you want to deactivate each respective functionality, you will need to deselect the each corresponding option. The deactivated functionalities can be seen during the exam. They are listed in the Exam Mode header. Finally, select the Start button to start the Exam Mode in full-screen mode. As soon as the Exam Mode is started, some changes concerning the Toolbar and the Menu are activated. Note: There are no Airplane Mode / Flight Mode prompts for the downloaded versions of GeoGebra Classic.


  • The color of the Toolbar changes to blue.
  • The Exam Timer is activated and shown in the Toolbar.
  • The Exam Details icon appears in the Toolbar allowing you to access the details at any time.
  • The deactivated functionalities are indicated in the Toolbar.
  • The following tools are deactivated: Toolbar Image Text and Toolbar Image Image.


  • All options of the File menu are deactivated. Students can only leave the Exam Mode here through the new displayed option Exit Exam.
  • It is not possible to Save any constructions you make in Exam Mode.
  • As long as the Exam Mode is active, users do not have any access to their Accounts on the GeoGebra Website.
  • The Help menu is deactivated.
The Exam Mode starts with an empty construction. If you have an ongoing construction, you will be asked to save your work before starting the exam.

Exam Details

During an exam, you can have a look at the Exam Details at any time by clicking on in the exam header. The Exam Details provide the following information:
  • Date and Start Time
  • Deactivated Views
  • Timestamp of visual alert (optionally)
  • End Time
The Exam Details on the left show a protocol of a regular exam. The Exam Details on the right show a protocol with triggered alert (time stamp of leaving and re-entering the exam window).

Exit Exam

If the exam is terminated, you can leave the Exam Mode by opening the Menu and selecting Exit Exam. You have to confirm your leaving by selecting Exit in the appearing dialog.
After leaving the Exam Mode, the Exam Details are shown automatically. A window then appears to let you choose the location where you want to save the Exam Details as an image. In case of unsaved Exam Details, one can also easily take a screen shot of these details in order to save them as an image.

Exam Mode and Security

Leaving the exam window in any way (e.g. exiting the full-screen mode, switching to another app, starting another software, ... ) triggers a visual alert that is easily detectable and is also recorded in the Exam Details:
  • The Toolbar immediately turns red, making it obvious that the Exam Mode was left. The Toolbar remains red for the rest of the exam time.
  • Leaving the exam window is documented in the Exam Details, indicating the exact time stamp of the event. Re-entering is documented in the Exam Details as well, allowing you to check for how much time was spent outside the exam window.