Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Parameters of linear equations

Creating sliders in the Algebra View

When you enter a letter different from x and y in the Input Bar, which hasn't been defined previously, GeoGebra will create a slider in the  Algebra View after pressing Enter. Note: You can display the slider in the Graphics View by selecting the disabled Visibility button next to the number in the  Algebra View.


Graph a linear equation y = m x + b which parameters can be modified using sliders. Display the slope of the corresponding line and visualize the y-intercept.

Explore the construction...


1. Toolbar Image Enter y = m x + b  into the Input Bar and hit the Enter key. Hint: GeoGebra will automatically create sliders for the parameters m and b when pressing Enter. To show the sliders in the  Graphics View, select the disabled Visibility button in the Algebra View on the left of the variables.
2.Toolbar Image Create the intersection point between the line and the y-axis. Hint: You may either use the Intersect tool you can find in the Toolbox for points by selecting the two objects, or use the command Intersect(f, yAxis).
3.Toolbar Image Create a point B at the origin using the Intersect tool and selecting the two axis.
4.Toolbar ImageSelect the Segment tool from the Toolbox for lines and create a segment between points A and B by selecting both points. Hint: Alternatively, you can use the command Segment(A, B) as well.
5.Toolbar ImageHide points A and B by clicking on the corresponding enabled Visibility buttons on the left of their coordinates in the Algebra View.
6.Toolbar Image Use the Slope tool from the Measure Toolbox to create the slope (triangle) of the line by clicking on the line.
7.Enhance the appearance of your construction using the Style Bar (e.g., increase the line thickness of the segment to make it visible on top of the y-axis).

Try it yourself...

Change a slider's position in the Graphics View

By default, the position of a slider is absolute on screen. This way, you can change its value using the  Move tool without moving the whole slider accidentally. To change the position of a slider you can either...
  • select the  Slider tool and drag the slider to a new position.
  • right-drag the slider to change its position (use the right key of your mouse if available).