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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Practice with Points, Lines, and Planes

Part 1

Part 2: Intersections between two lines

In the box above: Show the intersection of two lines. Remember that a line is determined by two points, so start by adding two points before drawing a line between them. What is the intersection of two lines?

Jelöld be válaszodat
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
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Part 3

Part 3: Intersections of a plane with a line

Take some time to move around the graphic above so that you understand how the figures are intersecting. Where does line intersect plane P?

Part 4

Part 4

Take some time to move around the graphic above so that you understand how the figures are intersecting. In the image above, where does line intersect plane P? (where do they overlap?)

Jelöld be válaszodat
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Check my answer (3)

Part 5

Part 5: Intersecting Planes

Take some time to move around the graphic above so that you understand how the figures are intersecting. Where does plane A intersect with plane B?

Checking In

What questions do you have about points, lines, and planes? Are you feeling confident about the material?