This Geogebra book is being compiled with an aim to enhance teaching and learning for teachers and students in Singapore taking the GCE Syllabus examination.
It leverages on the collective efforts of all who create teaching and learning resources using the Geogebra tools and align the topics according to SEAB GCE Mathematics Syllabus published on their website.

Tabla de contenidos
Numbers and their operations
- Copy of IM Grade 6: Unit 7 - Rational Numbers
- Check if Number is Prime
- Prime Factorization
- HCF & LCM of Two Numbers by Short Division
- What is a square root?
- Estimate the percent shaded in
- Approximation: Decimal Places VS Significant Figures
- addition and subtraction of directed numbers
- Meaning of Indices
- Index laws - multiplication
- Index laws - division
- Power of Powers
- Scientific Notation
Ratio and proportion
Rate and speed
Algebraic expressions and formulae
Functions and graphs
Equation and Inequalities
- Quadratic factorisation
- Solve Simple Linear Equations
- Lineair equations with fractions
- Solving simultaneous equation
- Simultaneous Equations:Substitution
- Simultaneous Equations:Elimination
- Solving Quadratic Equations using Quadratic Formula
- Completing the Square for Quadratic Equation (II) : Solving the Equation
- Solving Quadratic Equations
- Solve linear inequality
Set Language and Notation
Angles, triangles and polygons
Congruence and SImilarity
Properties of circles
Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry
- Pythagoras Theorem
- Pythagorean theorem
- Copy of Introducing Trig functions
- Explore Trigonometric Ratios (SOH CAH TOA)
- Right Triangle Trigonometry: Intro
- Introducing Trig functions
- Sine and Cosine Components
- Sine and cosine to obtuse angle
- Proofs of sine rule, cosine rule, area of a triangle
- Introduction to Bearings
- Bearings
- Angle of elevation and depression
- 3D Trigonometry problem
- 3D : trigo
- Application of Trigonometry
- area of a parallelogram
- Area of a Trapezium
- Area of Trapezium Demonstration
- Area of a composite shape
- 1.4 Surface Area and Volume of Prisms and Cylinders
- Net of a Cylinder
- Cylinder - Volume and Surface Area
- Total Surface Area & Volume of Cylinder (with net shown)
- Trisecting the Cube into 3 Pyramids
- Copy of Volume of pyramid is 1/3 volume of cube
- Rectangular Pyramid
- Volume and Surface Area of Cone
- Volume of a Cylinder vs Cone
- volume of sphere
- Volume of Sphere Proof
- Self Review Mensuration of Composite Cylinder & Hemisphere
- Self Review Mensuration of Composite Hemisphere & Cone
- Illustration of surface area of a sphere
- Surface area of Sphere
- Find Arc Lengths and Areas of Sectors of Circles
- Arc length and area of sector(Degree)
- Arc length and area of sector (Radian)
- Area of a Circle Exploration
Coordinate geometry
Vectors in two dimensions
Data analysis
- Bar Chart
- Pie Chart
- Dot Plot Tool
- Histogram Worksheet
- Stem and Leaf
- 05.2B Cumulative Frequency Polygon
- Box-and-Whisker Plot Generator
- AQR Section 17: Creating a Box and Whisker Plot
- dotplot
- Standard Deviation Formulae
- Mean, Median, and Standard Deviation
- Visual Demo of Standard Deviation
- Cum Freq, Box plot
- Median and Interquartile Range
- Center and Spread Variation Exploration
- Calculate Inter quartile range
- Bar Charts and Pie Charts
- AQR Section 16: Creating a Pie Chart From a Dot Plot
Problems in realworld contexts
Problems in realworld contexts