number sense & computational calisthenics
This is a series of applets drawn from the website mathMINDhabits [sites.google.com/site/mathmindhabits]
that is designed for teachers of mathematics who want to deepen their understanding of the mathematics they teach
and that their students are expected to learn.
The applets in this collection all focus on the skills students need to develop with arithmetic computation and algebraic manipulation.
In addition, the reader is urged to look at the program "What Do You Do With A Broken Calculator?" http://www.teachscape.com/content/he012a/03_s3/07_online/he012a_calculator.htm and to read the essay on the "Broken Calculator" https://sites.google.com/site/mathmindhabits/on-th-teaching-of-mathematics/what-do-you-do-with-a-broken-calculator that is on the mathMINDhabits website.

Table of Contents
place value
- The Array Model of Multiplication
- Many-answer addition
- Many-answer subtraction
- 'between-ness' in multiplication/division
- 'between-ness' in addition/subtraction
- The Fraction Workbench - working w/ UNcommon Denominators
- the game of arrows - adding signed numbers
- SeeSaw - multiplying signed numbers
- Common Factor Finder
computing with measurements