Google Classroom

Three Numbers Board

To print, close any other menus. Right click. Print. Choose layout:portrait and print page 1 only. Both versions of the game work well with two or three players. The collaborative can also be a solo game.

Three Numbers Collaborative

Print off a copy of a three number board. Before examining your three number board, choose 10 numbers between 1 and 50. Use three numbers on the board, along with multiply, divide, add or subtract to make one of your numbers. The squares must be joined by side or by corner, and must be used in sequence. Examples below. Color in your three squares for that number. Now find the other numbers in the same way, but you must not reuse a square that has already been used. Finding 8 randomly generated values is an accomplishment, 10 takes strategy, 15 is a bit of a record.

Three Numbers Competitive

Print off a copy of a three number board. Before examining your three number board, each player writes a list of ten integers between 1 and 50. Flip the board over. Each player looks for a way to use three numbers with add, subtract, multiply or divide to find their first number. Squares must be joined by side or by corner, and must be used in sequence. Examples below. The first to find their number calls it and demonstrates it. They circle their number on their list, the other players score out their first number. Continue to the second number, and so on.

Examples of possible solutions to the three number game