Common Multiples in a Hundreds Grid


Find multiples, common multiples, and the least common multiple of numbers; explain.

Common Multiples in a Hundreds Grid

Explore the patterns in common multiples between two numbers using a hundreds grid.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Question ouverte 1

Choose two numbers that have at least five multiples in common.  List the two numbers and their common multiples.

Entrée de texte et de données mathématiques

Question ouverte 2

Is it possible to have two numbers with no common multiples? Explain.

Entrée de texte et de données mathématiques

Question ouverte 3

List out the multiples of 6 and then list out the multiples of 8. What do you notice about their common multiples?

Entrée de texte et de données mathématiques