Google Classroom
GeoGebra Classroom
Google Classroom
GeoGebra Classroom
Animated flowers
Flower by Vlad animated by GER
Flower from Floare animated by Amelie,GER
Flower Ro animated by GER
Ina Flower animated by J. GER
flower made with circles,Niklas;Ger
Construction by Floare animated by Niklas (GER)
MD flower animated by RO Isabela
MD flower animated by Ro- Mara
Ge flowers animated by Ro (Matei)
Ger flower animated by Ro (Mara)
Flower- Gonini Beatrice animated by Maria (RO)
Flower Vlad -Ana animated Ro
Flower by Ger modificated by MD (Buștiuc Arina)
animated flower, created by rotation, Sascha, GER
animated polygonal n flower Ro
Pentagonal flower animated Ro
Animated flower 3 Ro
Floare animata Andra Ro
animated flower2 Mara
Copy of Floare animata Sabin
Animated flowers
Fun with GeoGebra
Students took files from other students and animated their flowers
Flower by Vlad animated by GER
Flower from Floare animated by Amelie,GER
Flower Ro animated by GER
Ina Flower animated by J. GER
flower made with circles,Niklas;Ger
Construction by Floare animated by Niklas (GER)
MD flower animated by RO Isabela
MD flower animated by Ro- Mara
Ge flowers animated by Ro (Matei)
Ger flower animated by Ro (Mara)
Flower- Gonini Beatrice animated by Maria (RO)
Flower Vlad -Ana animated Ro
Flower by Ger modificated by MD (Buștiuc Arina)
animated flower, created by rotation, Sascha, GER
animated polygonal n flower Ro
Pentagonal flower animated Ro
Animated flower 3 Ro
Floare animata Andra Ro
animated flower2 Mara
Copy of Floare animata Sabin
Flower by Vlad animated by GER
Neue Materialien
Sektorenformel nach Leibniz
GeoGebraCAS for embed
ÜBUNG 2: Addition von Vektoren zeichnerisch (vereinfacht)
Abschätzung der Kreiszahl
Exponentielles, beschränktes und logistisches Wachstum im Vergleich
Entdecke Materialien
Pi - reguläres Vieleck umschreiben
Visualisierung Abstand Ebene - Punkt
Grafisches Ableiten
lin f kimeswenger
Ellipse in 1.und 2.Hauptlage
Entdecke weitere Themen
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