I would like to express my gratitude to the authors of the following books and papers that have been instrumental in advancing my research into the Sangaku at Kumanokotai Shrine, Karuizawa. Originating from the scholars of the Edo period, these problems represent a rich legacy of intellectual pursuit, where individuals from all walks of life engaged in mathematical exploration purely for the joy it brought them. I hope to further spread the knowledge of sangaku tablets, which can be found in many temples and shrines, to the wider community, enabling more people to appreciate the beauty of these geometrical problems.
Fukagawa, Hidetoshi, and Tony Rothman. Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry. Princeton University Press, 2008.
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“【公式】 信濃国特別神社 熊野皇大神社.” 【公式】 軽井沢碓氷峠 信濃国特別神社 熊野皇大神社, Accessed 11 Apr. 2024.