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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

ASA triangle


Construct a triangle for which two angles and their enclosed side are given (ASA). Explore the construction below and learn how to construct such a triangle with GeoGebra Geometry. Then try it yourself by following the instructions below.

Explore the construction...


Note: If you're using the Mobile App make sure that the chosen Labeling option is New Points Only. You can change this by going to the Settings in the app's menu and then selecting General.
1.Toolbar ImageUse the Slider tool to create a slider c with the interval 0 to 10 and the increment 0.1. Note: In the Mobile App you can change the name of the slider by selecting the slider and then the More button that opens the context menu. Hint: Change the value of the slider so that the value is not 0.
2.Toolbar ImageSelect the Segment with Given Length tool and create a segment starting at point A with length c.
3.Toolbar ImageSelect the Angle with Given Size tool and create an angle with size 45° at point A. Hint: Select first point B and then point A and make sure the angle has counterclockwise orientation.
4.Toolbar ImageSelect the Ray tool and create a ray starting at point A through the new point B'.
5.Toolbar ImageSelect the Angle with Given Size tool and create an angle with size 55° at point B. Hint: Select first point A and then point B and make sure the angle has clockwise orientation this time.
6.Toolbar ImageSelect the Ray tool and create a ray starting at point B through the new point A'.

Try it yourself...

7.Toolbar ImageSelect the Intersect tool and create the intersection point C of both rays.
8.Toolbar ImageSelect the Polygon tool and create the Triangle ABC.
9.Toolbar ImageSelect the Move tool and change the style of the rays to dashed and the colors of the objects.
10.Toolbar ImageHide the points A' and B'.