Musical Spiral Patterns with Shape
Original Spiral Patterns with Shape
Topic:Fractal Geometry
My Adapted applet: it automatically clicks on each of the proposed shapes and affect Random values to sliders
I have three different configuration, I upload the last one.
I capture the animated applet in three videos that I assembled using iMovie,
then I published my mp4 file on my youtube Channel.
Youtube : 20210310 MG Spirale
The video starts with the animation on my music (amateur composer) that follow (the best I can) the rhythm of the animation. Then follows the VIDEO of the music sheet (PDF BELOW).
At the of the video I placed several Freezed images of from the video to show all the diversity obtained by this applet, and to allow ease screen capturing of these beautiful spirals.
Youtube 2 : 20210311 MG Spiral avec Rosasse
Another version of this applet where I reduced the Max of the n slider. Also , in my first one I noticed that some dynamic colors where not suitable, so I implemented the SetColor instead of SetDynamicColor. I also let visible point lists, and they gave some amazing effects on the video. I synchronized it to my "corrected" composition Rosasse which gave this title. (PDF Below). I used Three musical Zones, the first and the last are with Piano and Artificial Harp, the one in the middle with the Music sheet, I used the two guitars version. The last part is based on freezes Images (excellent tool in iMovie) most of them lasts one sec approximately.