Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Proof: Corresponding Angles Theorem

In the applet below, a TRANSVERSAL intersects 2 PARALLEL LINES. When this happens, 4 pairs of corresponding angles are formed. Interact with the applet below, then respond to the prompts that follow.

Type your responses to prompts 1-4. Then complete the exercise that follows. 1. What theorem is being demonstrated in the applet? 2. State the theorem. 3. What type of transformation is being demonstrated in the applet? 4. What information do you need to include to precisely describe such a transformation?

A. Draw a diagram to use in a proof of the converse of the corresponding angles theorem. Label any objects you'll need to refer to in the proof. B. Prove the converse of the corresponding angles theorem.