GeoGebra Folders

What are GeoGebra folders?

Use folders to structure your created GeoGebra resources! Create folders and subfolders to get a better overview of your own Books and Activities!

Create a folder

To create a new folder, go to your profile page and press the  CREATE button. Select  Folder in the dropdown menu, enter a folder name and select CREATE.
Note: You can also create subfolders by opening a folder and pressing the CREATE button.

Move a resource into a folder

Press the More button of the resource you want to move and select Move to. Select the folder where the resource should be moved and select MOVE. Note: If you don't have any folders, you will automatically be asked to create one.
Note: You can also move your resources into folders by using drag and drop.

Navigation in folders

You can use the navigation path in the header to get an overview in which folder you are. You can press on this path to navigate between your resources, folders and subfolders.

Folder context menu

Press the folder's More button to open the context menu. There you can Rename,  Delete or  Move a folder. If you select Move to, you are able to move folders into other folders.
Note: You can also move folders by drag and drop.