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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Inserting dynamic text

How to insert dynamic text

Dynamic text contains an element that refers to one of the objects used in the construction. Thus, the text adapts to changes of the object (e.g. new coordinates, area).
1.Toolbar ImageSelect the Text tool and click in the   Graphics View.
2.Enter area = into the text field. Hint: This will be the static part of your text.
3.Click on Advanced and select tab Objects. From the list of available objects, select poly1. Hint: This will insert the value of poly1 (which is the area of the square) into your text. As the dynamic part, this value will change if the construction is modified.
4.Click OK when you are done.
5.Toolbar ImageMove the text to the desired position and fix it using the Style Bar.
6.You can edit the text using tab Text in the Settings. For example, you could add cm² to the right of the poly1 box. Click OK when you are done. Hint: This will be another static part of your text.

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Enhancement with dynamic text

Enhance the interactive figure below by inserting dynamic text below the sliders that display the corresponding addition problem a + b = r. To display the parts of the addition problem in colors that match the sliders and answer of the problem, you need to insert the dynamic text step by step.


1.Toolbar ImageCalculate the result of the addition problem: r = a + b
2.Toolbar ImageInsert dynamic text1: a
3.Toolbar ImageInsert static text2: +
4.Toolbar ImageInsert dynamic text3: b
5.Toolbar ImageInsert static text4: =
6.Toolbar ImageInsert dynamic text5: r
7. Match the color of text1, text3 and text5 with the color of the corresponding sliders, vectors and point R using the Style Bar.
8.Toolbar ImageLine up the text in the  Graphics View. Hint: You might want to display a  grid to help you align the text elements.
9.Toolbar Image Open the Settings of the text elements and fix them, so they cannot be moved accidentally.
10.Toolbar Image Hide the labels of the sliders using the  Style Bar.

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