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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Vector Scaling

The second main operation on vectors is scaling. Suppose k is any real number and u be any vector in or .
  • If k >0, then ku is the vector having the same direction as u such that its length is k times the length of u.
  • If k = 0, then ku is a zero vector.
  • If k < 0, then ku is the vector having the opposite direction to u such that its length is |k| times the length of u. (Note: |k| is the absolute value of k.)
In the applet below, you can construct a vector u in using the vector tool Toolbar Image. Then scale the vector u by k and then drag the slider corresponding to k to see how the vector ku changes for different values of k.

How is the column vector u related to the column vector ku ? Explain your answer briefly.

Vector Subtraction

Vector subtraction can be easily defined in terms of addition and scaling as follows: u - v = u + (-1)v. Also, the column vector u - v can be expressed in terms of the column vectors u and v using this definition. You can construct vectors u and v in the above applet and then find out u + (-1)v.

Consider the parallelogram formed by two vectors u and v, can you express its two "diagonal vectors" in terms of u and v?