lessonplan template
Short overview
Please add an image suiting the topicShort overview
- Topic:
- Grade, subject:
- Duration:
- Material for students: Link to GeoGebra app, other ressources eg. worksheets
- Additional materials: (add this only if additional material is needed eg. 3D printed materials, laptops, 3D printer...)
Prior knowledge of the students
Please describe the knowledge and/or
skills students should have before starting the activity/lesson/workshop
as bulltepoints.
The students already know/learned...
- How to use a GeoGebra application...
- ...
- ...
Gained competencies and skills by the activity or lesson
Please describe
which educational and learning achievements could be achieved. Which
competencies could students learn by the activity or lesson?
The students train/now can...
- ...
- ...
- ...
Activity/lesson/workshop sequence
Describe the sequence of steps and contents of the
activity/lesson/workshop. Provide a brief overview about all parts and
their contents.
The steps in more detail follow below. They should contain...
- ...an average duration of each step.
- ...needed material and how to use it.
- ...add applets and describe their functionality. Please consider a proper sizing.
- ...add link to PDFs for downloading if additional information is needed.
Step 1 (time in minutes)
Short description
Step 2 (time in minutes)
Short description
Follow up information
What should be done after the activites/lesson/workshop?
Should additional information be sent?
How much will packing and transport take?
Collecting data
How can you measure whether the
activity/lesson/workshop reached their goals?
Take pictures, if possible make videos, does a questionnaire make sense
prior and after the activity/lesson/workshop?
Links to additional materials/literature
Add links to possible follow up activities on GeoGebra or elsewhere here.
Also cite used literature which is connected to the activity.