About the Groups Page
Tab Group page
The tab for the main page of a Group bears the Groups's name and serves as a communication platform for Group members by showing posts added to the Group.
- Users are able to add new posts.
- Users are able to comment on existing posts.
- Materials can be added to the Group by integrating them in a post.
- The
Group settings can be accessed by certain group members.
Tab Members
The Members tab shows a list of all Group members and their status within the Group (e.g. Owner, Can edit, Can view).
- New members can be invited to the Group either by sharing the displayed Group Code or by using the user search option.
- The status of Group members can be changed.
- The
Group settings can be accessed.
Tab Materials
The Materials tab whos a list of all materials shared within the Group.
- Materials can be added directly to this list.
- Members can view the materials shared within the Group.
- Materials can be accessed and edited.
- Materials settings can be changed (i.e. who is allowed to edit a material).
- Materials can be removed from the Group.
- The
Group settings can be accessed.