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Gauß-Seidel Algorithmus js

Javascript Example to Gauß-Seidel/Jacobi Iteration lineare Gleichungssysteme The Jacobi algorithm defines a new variable x and calculates the components with the predecessor variable. The Gauß-Seidel algorithm calculates the components on the same input variable, includes the results inside the components loop (j-loop) Beispiel mit TabKalk Gauß-Seidel GoogleTab
TabKalk mit named formulas A= a_k.i,  x=X_k.i b=b.k
TabKalk mit named formulas A= a_k.i, x=X_k.i b=b.k
formulas Gauss-Seidel - x_k.1=B10:B23 , x_k.2=C10:C23, x_k.3=D10:D23
formulas Gauss-Seidel - x_k.1=B10:B23 , x_k.2=C10:C23, x_k.3=D10:D23