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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Angle Bisector Construction


Step 1: Use the CIRCLE TOOL Toolbar Image to construct a circle with center A that intersects both sides of the angle. Step 2: Use the INTERSECTION TOOL Toolbar Image to mark the two points where the circle intersects the sides of the angle, these will be labeled F and G. Step 3: Use the CIRCLE TOOL Toolbar Image to construct a circle with a center on F. The radius of the circle should be larger than half of the angle's opening. Step 4: Use the COMPASS TOOL Toolbar Image to duplicate the circle from Step 3 and place it at center G. Step 5: Use the INTERSECTION TOOL Toolbar Image to mark the intersections of the two circles, these will be labeled I and J. Step 6: Use the RAY TOOL Toolbar Image located under the LINE TOOL Toolbar Image to draw a ray from point A to either point I or J (it doesn't matter because it should pass through both). Ray AI is the angle bisector of angle A. After you complete the example, work on the practice. These will not let you know if you've done them correctly. I will be checking on my computer.

Construct the Bisector of Angle A.

Practice #1

Practice #2