Geometry and Measure 1 - Area and surface area
In this unit, students learn to find areas of polygons by decomposing, rearranging, and composing shapes. To view the resources in their original state, please visit the IM 6-8 page.

1.1 Tiling the plane
1.2 Finding area by decomposing & rearranging
1.3 Reasoning to find area
1.4 Parallelograms
1.5 Bases and heights of parallelograms
1.6 Area of parallelograms
1.7 From parallelograms to triangles
1.8 Area of triangles
1.9 Formula for the area of a triangle
1.10 Bases and heights of triangles
1.11 Polygons
1.12 What is surface area?
1.13 Polyhedra
1.14 Nets and surface area
1.15 More nets, more surface area
1.16 Distinguishing between surface area and volume
1.17 Squares and cubes
1.18 Surface area of a cube
1.19 Designing a tent