Number 2 - Arithmetic in base ten

These resources have been adapted by MEI. In this unit, students compute sums, differences, products, and quotients of multi-digit whole numbers and decimals, using efficient algorithms. To view the resources in their original state, please visit the IM 6-8 page.
2.1 Using decimals in a shopping context 2.2 Use diagrams to represent addition & subtraction 2.3 Add & subtract decimals with few non-zero digits 2.4 Add & subtract decimals with many non-zero digits 2.5 Decimal points in products 2.6 Methods for multiplying decimals 2.7 Using diagrams to represent multiplication 2.8 Calculating products of decimals 2.9 Using the partial quotients method 2.10 Using long division 2.11 Dividing numbers that result in decimals 2.12 Dividing decimals by whole numbers 2.13 Dividing decimals by decimals 2.14 Using operations on decimals to solve problems 2.15 Making and measuring boxes