Unfolding Shapes in 3D
Identificar los desarrollos planos de prismas, pirámides, cilindros y conos en problemas geométricos y aplicados.
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Unfolding Shapes in 3D
Explore the geometry of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones by unfolding them in this activity.
Putting It All Together
Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.
Pregunta abierta 1
What shapes do you need to form the net of a cylinder? A cone?
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Pregunta abierta 2
How many shapes do you need to form the net of a rectangular prism? A square pyramid?
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Pregunta abierta 3
How do the numbers of shapes needed to form the net change as the base of the prism changes? As the base of a pyramid changes?
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