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Euler's totient function

Euler's totient function counts the positive integers up to a given integer n that are relatively prime to n. Note: It works for n < 1015-1
This example uses JavaScript but it seems to be easier using just GGB script:

1. Global JavaScript

function ggbOnInit() {} // Euler's Totient Function // // using Euler's product formula function phi(n) { // Initialize // result as n var result = n; // Consider all prime // factors of n and subtract // their multiples from result for (var p = 2; p * p <= n; ++p) { // Check if p is // a prime factor. if (n % p == 0) { // If yes, then // update n and result while (n % p == 0) n = parseInt(n / p); result -= parseInt(result / p); } } // If n has a prime factor // greater than sqrt(n) // (There can be at-most // one such prime factor) if (n > 1) result -= parseInt(result / n); return result; } // This code is contributed // by _saurabh_jaiswal

2. Basic Setup

n = 123456 phi = ? Inp = InputBox(n) SetCaption(Inp, "n = ") text = "\phi(n) =" + phi

3. Create button named "Calculate" with JavaScript

var n = ggbApplet.getValue('n'); if ( n <= 0 ) ggbAppletevalCommand("SetValue(phi, ?)"); else if ( n === 1) ggbApplet.setValue("phi", 1); else ggbApplet.setValue("phi", phi(n));

4. Finally, add script in "n" on Update tab

RunClickScript( Calculate )