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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

The location of 4 points

 this activity is a page of geogebra-book elliptic functions & bicircular quartics & . . .(27.04.2023)

this activity is also a page of GeoGebrabook Moebiusebene (29.09.2020)

Four (different) points *) can be connected in three ways in pairs by straight lines: ( *) see the activity before )
  • and
  • and
  • and
For the LIE-products , and can easily be calculated as follows (with the help of the general development rule, calculation example see below **)):    If one thinks of the connecting line vectors as normalised from the outset: the following apply and for the LIE-products , and (defined accordingly) is thus obtained: . These straight line vectors therefore form in an ON-Basis. The poles of these basis vectors are the intersections of 3 pairwise orthogonal circles and can, with suitable orientation, be mapped by a Möbius transformation to the point pairs , and . Becaue of follows , thus the poles and from separate the point pairs and harmonically. Be the poles of after the Möbius transformation, then  - the images of resp. are point-symmetrical to the origin: and . - The images of the point pairs resp.. are correspondingly harmonic to , i.e. and must apply. Conclusion: 4 different points of the Möbius plane can always be mapped by a Möbius transformation to , for a suitable one . We call this the representation of the 4 points in normal form. . Note on the underlying calculations for the applet above: the complex numbers are mapped in the Euclidean KOS to the complex touch line vectors. LIE products are calculated with the complex cross product. To calculate the poles of a straight line vector one must determine the solutions of the complex quadratic equation:. **) Reason for the equation