15 - Shapes in fashion

Grades 9 - 12 Duration: 2 x 45 min Tools: one Logifaces set / person Group work Keywords: Architectural fashion, Identity and fashion, Constructivism 

Shapes in fashion


ART / Design, fashion, identity

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DESCRIPTION LESSON 1 Fashion inspired by architecture focuses on detailing shapes, exaggerating proportions, on construction and creating a three-dimensional look. All the students create their own animated performance using the geometrical figures from the Triadic ballet of Oscar Schlemmer. After this the students create several paper Logifaces paper blocks using the three basic colours (red, blue, yellow). LESSON 2 Then, using their paper Logifaces blocks, the students make various fashion designs, in line with Schlemmer’s concept. All the fashion designs can be composed with the help of a wooden mannequin.

Create your own Bauhaus Ballet performance!

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