Different representations of cubic solids and cut cubes
The examples included in this GeoGebra book are suitable for extending the tasks located on the interactive Mathematikus website (www.mathematikus.de). On the website https://www.printables.com/cs/model/628595-models-of-cubic-solids-and-cut-cubes, there are uploaded files that are the basis files for 3D printing physical models of cubic solids and cut cubes. The 3D printed physical models can be advantageously used to solve the particular problems in this GeoGebra book.

Table of Contents
Selecting the model of solid displayed in free parallel projection to a 3D virtual model of solid
Selecting a 3D virtual model to the model of solid displayed in free parallel projection
Selecting orthogonal views to the model of solid displayed in free parallel projection and in 3D
Drawing orthogonal views to the solid represented in free parallel projection and in 3D