collect my physics applets in an organized way

Tabla de contenidos
Math Review
Data Analysis
Circular Motion
- Logarithms Practice 1
- Logarithms Practice 2
- Doppler Frequencies
- Superposition of moving square pulses
- Adding Square Waves
- Superposition 2
- Wave Interference
- Beats
- Sound Demos
- Variable Sound Demo
- Standing Wave
- Standing Waves
- Huygens Principle
- Double-Slit Diffraction
- Diffraction Grating Spectrum
- Single Slit Diffraction geometry
- Single Slit Diffraction Intensity - Fraunhofer limit
- Bragg Diffraction angles
- Thin Film Practice
- Michelson Interferometer
- Building Waves
Ray Optics
- Reflection and Refraction
- The Rays We See
- Image Formation in a Plane Mirror
- Two People Looking in a Plane Mirror
- Plane Mirror in 3D
- Spherical Mirrors: Multiray
- Spherical vs. Parabolic Mirrors
- Mirrors
- Apparent Depth
- Apparent Depth - tracing multiple rays
- Prism Dispersion
- Snell's Law for Spherical and Parabolic Lenses
- Lenses
- Image Distance and Magnification as functions
- Lens-maker's Equation
- Lens-Maker's eq'n based multi-ray tracing (spherical and chromatic aberrations)
- Double Thin-Lens Systems
- Fresnel Lens
- Mirrored Box
- Corner Reflector
- Prism Pairs
- Surface Charge Distributions in Equilibrium
- Moveable Hand for RHR
- Computing Cross-Product
- Versions of 3-Component RHR
- Cross-product
- Electric Motor
- Infinite solutions to Biot-Savart
- B-field of straight current segment from Biot-Savart law
- Calculating on-axis B-field of current loop from Biot-Savart
- Magnetic Field of Current Loop and Right Hand Rules
- Solenoid figure
- Gauss's Law and Local Electric Field
- Light as traveling Electric and Magnetic Wave
- LRC-Series
- LRC-Series_frequency-dependence
- E-field of line of charge
Special Relativity