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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

y = mx + c

Experiment with changing the values of m and c.
What effect does changing c have on the graph? What about m? What can you say about the line if m is negative? What will happen to the line if m is set to zero? Can the line ever be vertical and if so how would you write down its equation? Can you think of a way to find out where the line crosses the y-axis from the equation? What about where it crosses the x-axis? If you know the x-value of a coordinate point on the line how could you find its y-value? e.g. The point (3,A) lies on the line y = 3x + 10; find A. If you know the y-value of a coordinate point on the line how could you find its x-value? e.g. (B,5) lies on the line y =2x - 15, find B. How could you check if a particular coordinate point lies on the line using just its equation? e.g. Does the point (2,7) lie on the line y = 6x - 5? If you were given two points how could you find the gradient of the line going through them? e.g. (5,2) and (3,1). Could you then find the lines' equation? Can the line ever be vertical and if so how would you write down its equation? Can you think of a way to find out where the line crosses the y-axis from the equation? What about where it crosses the x-axis? If you know the x-value of a coordinate point on the line how could you find its y-value? e.g. The point (3,A) lies on the line y = 3x + 10; find A. If you know the y-value of a coordinate point on the line how could you find its x-value? e.g. (B,5) lies on the line y = 2x - 15, find B. How could you check if a particular coordinate point lies on the line using just its equation? e.g. Does the point (2,7) lie on the line y = 6x - 5? If you were given two points, how could you find the gradient of the line going through them? e.g. (5,2) and (3,1). Could you then find the lines' equation?