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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom


What is the GeoGebra Graphing Calculator?

The GeoGebra Graphing Calculator is a dynamic mathematics app connecting geometry and algebra.  You can access the GeoGebra Graphing Calculator online. The GeoGebra Graphing Calculator is also available for Android, iOS, Windows and MacOS. If you are using a different device, you may want to open GeoGebra Web in your web browser instead. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the GeoGebra Graphing Calculator. We are still working on including all GeoGebra Graphics tools and functionalities, which you can use in the Online App, in the Mobile Apps as well, to give you access to the full GeoGebra power. You can try the examples in this tutorial also on your mobile phone, if there are small differences we will let you know.

Explore GeoGebra Graphing Calculator

GeoGebra Graphing Calculator Features

Millions of people around the world use GeoGebra to learn math and science. Easily graph functions and equations, find special points of functions, save and share your results.
  • Plot functions, polar and parametric curves
  • Experience transformations with sliders
  • Get special points of functions: roots, min, max, intersections
  • Do regression with best-fit lines
  • Search for free learning activities directly from the app
  • Save and share your results with friends and teachers
If you also want to solve equations or find derivatives and integrals, please try our CAS Calculator app.

Touchscreen Features

  • Drag an object with your finger to change its position in the Graphics View.
  • Zoom in and out of the Graphics View by moving two fingers towards or away from each other.
  • Move the entire Graphics View by dragging its background with your finger.
  • Open the Object Settings by tapping on any object in the Graphics View.

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