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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Sine functions


Type in a sine function with Greek parameters that can be changed by using sliders. Explore the construction and learn how to visualize sine functions with Graphing in GeoGebra Calculator Suite. Then try it yourself by following the instructions below.

Explore the construction...


1.Type into the Input Bar. The graph of f(x) will automatically be displayed in the Graphics View. Note: Make sure that the chosen Labeling option is All New Objects so you can see the labels of the objects in the Graphics View. You can set this in the Settings by selecting Global Settings on the right.
2.Type the letter a into the Input Bar and press Enter. A slider for a will be created automatically.
3.Switch the Virtual Keyboard to the layout, select the Greek letter and press Enter. A slider for will be created automatically.
4.Repeat step 3 with the Greek letter to create a third slider. Set the value of parameter to 0 by moving the slider.
5.Enter the function using the Virtual Keyboard.
6.Move the sliders a, and and explore how the graph of g(t) is transformed in relation to f(x) when modifying the parameters.
7.Select the equation of f(x) and g(t) in the Algebra View and change the functions to cosine. Explore how the graph adapts, if you change the value of the sliders.

Try it yourself...