Download the brand new GeoGebra PCI for TAO !
The new GeoGebra PCI is now ready to be tested by the users ! It is now in BETA version. The GeoGebra Team has built a solution that integrates the famous web application in TAO Platform, as an item-builder applet.

This PCI opens many possibilities to enrich your assessments, it respects fully the PCI specifications and can be used many times in a complex item (multi instances), combined with all kinds of interactions. You can choose among all GeoGebra's configurations and set it as a math editor, a spreadsheet, a dynamic geometric tool, a 3D graph displayer… All the GeoGebra features are available. As an item builder, you can display the toolbars you want and simplify the interface to help the students to focus on specific elements. You can create your item in TAO editor or import it from your computer. You can also use the GeoGebra Cloud and its enormous item library, that contains more than 1 million items.
Of course, GeoGebra can be used as a complementary tool that will help the students to visualize, calculate, write data and help them to solve problems.
Scoring is always a challenge, the proposition of GeoGebra Team is to offer you in this first version 3 possibilities.
1. The results can be built as a JSON string : the item builder can define what is relevant : a text string, a score, an integer value, a validation value …
2. The item builder can select the MATCH CORRECT response processing integrated in TAO and so, he has the possibilities to automatically calculate the score of a complex item using all interactions compatible with this scoring mode.
3. The item builder can capture the last state of the GeoGebra Applet and reinjects it for a human check / correction (B64 representation).
We have in mind that scoring must be designed with your collaboration and we really want to integrate your experience to improve this side of the project.
The GeoGebra PCI wrapper is available under the terms of the standard GeoGebra License
To download it, please fill the short form and submit it. We will never communicate any coordinates outside of this project. We are gathering these info to organize webinars to help our users on technical or didactical aspects.
For more information and support contact :
Please email for help with licensing
Click here to download GeoGebra PCI for TAO version 3.5
Click here to download GeoGebra PCI - IMS 1edTech version all TAO version (recommended)
You can also install in your TAO platform an extension from GeoGebra Github : (for all TAO version + TAO advanced)
Thank you for your interest in that project.