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IM Geo.1.7 Lesson: Construction Techniques 5: Squares

Which one doesn’t belong?

Use straightedge and compass tools to construct a square with segment AB as one of the sides.

Here is square ABCD with diagonal BD drawn:

  • Construct a circle centered at  with radius .
  • Construct a circle centered at  with radius .
  • Draw the diagonal and write a conjecture about the relationship between the diagonals and .
  • Label the intersection of the diagonals as point  and construct a circle centered at  with radius .
How are the diagonals related to this circle?

Use your conjecture and straightedge and compass tools to construct a square inscribed in a circle.

Use straightedge and compass moves to construct a square that fits perfectly outside the circle, so that the circle is inscribed in the square.

How do the areas of these 2 squares compare?