Geometry and Measure - KS3 resources

MEI has adapted the following resources for use in the UK classroom. The Geometry and Measure set of resources contains six units. Each unit includes a series of lessons comprising a GeoGebra activity for use during the lesson and a GeoGebra activity suitable for independent student learning. Each lesson also comes with a lesson plan detailing the planning behind each question in the activities, together with the answers. Using GeoGebra Classroom, teachers are able to monitor and formatively assess their students’ work and progress in real time on any type of device. If you wish to view the resources in their original state, please visit Illustrative Mathematics (IM).
Geometry and Measure 1 - Area and surface area In this unit, students learn to find areas of polygons by decomposing, rearranging, and composing shapes. Geometry and Measure 2 - Measuring circles In this unit, students learn to understand and use the term “circle” to mean the set of points that are equally distant from a point called the “center.” Geometry and Measure 3 - Angles, triangles and prisms
In this unit, students investigate whether sets of angle and side length measurements determine unique triangles or multiple triangles, or fail to determine triangles. Geometry and Measure 4 - Rigid transformations and congruence In this unit, students learn to understand and use the terms “reflection,” “rotation,” “translation,” recognizing what determines each type of transformation, e.g., two points determine a translation. Geometry and Measure 5 - Enlargements, similarity and introducing gradient In this unit, students learn to understand and use the term “enlargement,” and to recognize that an enlargement is determined by a point called the “centre” and a number called the “scale factor.” Geometry and Measure 6 - Functions and volume In this unit, students are introduced to the concept of a function. They learn to understand and use the terms “input,” “output,” and “function,” e.g., “temperature is a function of time.”