Calculus Applets
Here are a bunch of Single Variable Calculus applets. I'll be adding more as I make them or find them.

- Calculus - Definition of the derivative
- Calculus - Tangent Zoom
- 3-Way Color-Changing Derivative Grapher
- Derivative Function: Without Words
- Try to Graph the Derivative Function
- Related Rates - Spinning Laser
- Calculus - Mean Value Theorem (MVT)
- limit of sin(h)/h as h goes to 0
- Calculus - Derivative of Sine (Geometric proof)
- Calculus - Newton's Method
- Calculus - The Derivative of an Inverse Function
- Derivative of the arctangent geometrically
- Calculus - Derivative of exponential functions f(x)=b^x
- GeoGebra Calculus Applets
- Calculus - Cone Inscribed In Sphere
- Calculus - Unit Sphere Inscribed In Cone
- Calculus - Ring of Spheres
- Viewing Angle (inverse trig derivatives)
- Triangle formed by a hyperbola's tangent and asymptotes
- Calculus - Riemann
- Calculus - Reimann Sums vs. Trapezoids
- Calculus - Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- FTC Playground3
- GeoGebra Calculus Applets
- Calculus - Average Value of a Function
- Disk/washer method for finding volume of solid of revolution
- Calculus - Washer Method
- Cylindrical shells proof exploration
- Cylindrical Shells
- Calculus - Pyramid
- Calculus - Known Cross Sections
- Solids with given cross sections
- Pond volume (AP Calculus 2008 FRQ #1d)
- Rotated Square Slices About a Line
- Visualizing volumes by known cross section
- Cut cylinder
- Torus Intersections
- Intersecting cylinders
- Calculus - Rotating y=a*sqrt(x-ax^2) about x=0
- Calculus - Arc Length
- Calculus - Surface Area
- Cube Cross Sections
Differential Equations
- Calculus - Slope Field (Direction Fields)
- Calculus - Euler's Method
- Euler's Method Lab
- Calculus - Exponential vs. Logistic functions
- Logistic Examples
- dy/dx = 2y/x
- Calculus - Differential Equations - Virus Simulation
- Solution of a 1st order differential equation with slope field.
- Phase Plane - Nonlinear System
Polar/Parametric (Vectors)
Multivariable Calculus