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101 - Categorise the Blocks

Categorise the Blocks

Grades 1-4 (S), 5-8 (S) Duration: 15-20 min Tools: one 9 pcs or 16 pcs Set/pair Pair work Keywords: Prisms

Categorise the Blocks


MATHS / Intro


101 - Categorise the Blocks - Teacher Version

101 - Categorise the Blocks - Student Version

Block variations

How many different type of blocks are contained in the Logifaces game? Note that only the 9 and 16 pcs. sets TOGETHER contain the complete variations of the blocks.

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Block 111

Compare (Exercise for Classroom Mode)

Compare a triangular prism (block 111) to a truncated triangular prism (block 112). What are the differences and the similarities between them?

Block 112

Block 113

Block 122

Block 123

Block 132

Block 133

Block 222

Block 223

Block 233

Block 333

Triangular prisms

How many triangular prisms are included in the combined 9+16 pcs sets?

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  • A
  • B
  • C
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Grade 1, Grade one, Grade 2, Grade two, Grade 3, Grade three, Grade 4, Grade four, Grade 5, Grade five, Grade 6, Grade six, Grade 7, Grade seven, Grade 8, Grade eight Logifaces quiz question interactive Classroom activity Interactive visualisation Prisms, prism math, mathematics, exercise