Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

feedback by text


While creating exercises an important issue is to give feedback to the user. You can do this by a text that's only shown when the answer is right. Following applet shows a easy example. The user has to drag a point to a given position. If the position is right, the text Correct! appears. When clicking on the restart icon a new exercise is generated.

How do you do this?

  • Point with random coordinates: Create: a = RandomBetween(-4, 4) b = RandomBetween(-4, 4) P = (a, b)
  • Point to drag: Create a point A beyond the range of P A = (-8, 1) Rightclick on the point, open the Properties of A ans select the tab Basic. Type P in the textfield Caption.
  • Exercise: Create a dynamic text showing the exercise. Select P in the tab Objects.
  • Feedback: - Create a text Correct! - Open its Properties and select the tab Advanced. - Type in the Condition to show the Object: A = P and Enter.
  • New exercise: - Online you can show the icon to restart the applet. a and b will be recalculated. - Offline you can insert a button to do this (see chapter 8).