Education Opportunities

Challenges in Education

Education is currently facing many new challenges. The world of the Internet provides almost all knowledge for the children of today; they live in an unlimited network of connections. This process fundamentally changes the role of the teacher and the role of education. The entire international educational system needs to be renewed to satisfy the needs of both students and teachers too. Teachers are motivated to seek and discover new methods that help them find a connection with children and facilitate cooperation with them. School education of recent decades mainly focused on seeing. Students used their eyes to understand geometry, the sciences and art. They learnt about different three-dimensional shapes or forms by them being demonstrating in two-dimensions. This method caused confusion and made the differences between dimensions less understandable. The Logifaces game helps students understand the distinction between dimensions and improves spatial skills. In addition, the use of this teaching tool gives the teacher the opportunity to place more emphasis on tactility, which results in more experienced-based learning. These qualities make the tool suitable for children living with various disabilities, such as autism, those with visual or hearing impairment, and speech disorders as well. Logifaces gives students the opportunity to explore the connection between mathematical and geometrical thinking and works of art. This approach creates a passage from the knowledge of abstract shapes to the joy of art and creativity. More about using it in schools for eg. hybrid teaching can be found here.

The Benefits of the Game

Although this workbook focuses on an educational methodology for Mathematics, Science, and Art classes, some important additional aspects should be considered in the curricula. Conversation starter Verbal skills and communication are enhanced as pupils construct projects together. Children must discuss their plans for the project and their new ideas as the project unfolds. Any changes to the plan require communication. Technical and artistic language is needed to put a project together. Imagination developer Most of the shapes built with Logifaces don’t quite look exactly like the real thing. Part of the fun, however, is capturing the essence of an object so it becomes obvious what it is. Imagination has to fill in all the gaps. As video games become more realistic and movies improve their special effects, the need for imagination with these activities is low. Logifaces stimulates the imagination. Animals, human figures and more all spark the imagination as the scene unfolds. Imagination is a critical aspect of creative problem solving and abstract thinking. We should help children develop their imagination. Return to tactile senses A simple set of wooden blocks is obviously as far as one can get from high tech electronic gadgets. However, Logifaces can act as an important stepping-stone to computers and technology. Children are playing computer games and learning with computers at very early ages. The computer is a powerful learning tool. But even the very best 3D programs are merely a simulation of real life. If children bypass the step of physically playing with blocks and exploring real 3D models with their own hands, they will be at a disadvantage. When children go straight to the computer, they miss one of the critical steps in understanding how to compare quantities and analyse three-dimensional objects. There is no substitute for walking all the way around a structure to understand it from every angle. If this is started at an early age and in conjunction with computers, the creative and technical potential of children will be maximised. As Logifaces itself is based on the polygonal modelling often applied in computer modelling, children get a sense of virtual complexity at an early age. Team builder It doesn’t take long to figure out that building a giant surface goes much quicker with an extra set of hands. Matching the right elements one by one is a simple act that can be carried out by anyone. The repetitive method is both reassuring and logically challenging. It is possible to play it freely or aim to build a predefined shape. Leadership and project discussion happen naturally. Artist inspirer Many children have not explored their artistic nature. Every child is an artist and will gain pleasure from creating. Logifaces provides an easy, non-messy way to explore sculpture and design. The relief-like surfaces blend ancient aesthetics with contemporary design. Logifaces blocks have already inspired artists, photographers, and fashion designers. Calculus head start Early exploration with simple blocks builds a subconscious understanding of mathematics and logic. Children learn geometry as they play. By handling the blocks, they build a concrete understanding of numbers and how units interrelate. Play-based learning in the early years is fundamental, as we learn communication and language skills in both early numeracy and literacy. This naturally leads to the acquisition of social skills, such as turn-taking and sharing, and a desire to discover more. Simple to play, magical and fun activities are vital ingredients. Later, during the years in primary education, it is important for acquiring numeracy and literacy skills but above all for developing a desire to keep learning. At secondary school positive stimulation to learn and a vision of where this is all leading are primary. Hands-on, open-ended activities help stimulate constant reflection and inquiry-based thinking, and we believe Logifaces is a suitable tool for these goals.