Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Arc Length and Area of Sector

Task 1

From the interactive below, you will see the definition of 1 radian = , when the radius = 1 unit. That is from

Task 2

Change the central angle into (drag the black button or type in the angle column) and the radius is still 1 unit. And observe what did you get for the arc length and area of the sector and leave it as your answer.

Task 3

Change the central angle into and also the radius is 3 units (drag the red button to change the radius). And observe what did you get for the arc length and area of the sector and leave it as your answer.

Task 4

Change the central angle into and also the radius is 2.4 units. And observe what did you get for the arc length and area of the sector and leave it as your answer.