Collection 3D

Table des matières
Section d'un solide par un plan
Sections par Anthony C. M. OR
Surfaces et volumes
Géométrie sphérique
- Spherical Lines: Great Circles and Poles
- Spherical Lines: Angles Formed by Great Circles
- Spherical Lines: Great Circles
- Spherical Lines: Angles Formed by Great Circles 2
- A Regular Quadrilateral on a Sphere
- Constructing a Spherical Segment
- Spherical Triangle
- Spherical Triangle: Polar Triangles
- The Pythagorean Theorem for a Spherical Right Triangle
- Spherical Triangle: A Quadrant Triangle
- Spherical Triangle: A Birectanglular Triangle
- Spherical Triangle: Napier's Rules
- Spherical Triangle: Napier's Rules II
- Spherical Triangle: Isosceles Right Triangle
- Spherical Triangle: Another Special Right Triangle
- The Orthocenter
- The Spherical Circumcenter and Circumcircle.
- The Spherical Incenter and Incircle.
- The Spherical Nine Point Circle
- Spherical Triangle: The Medians and Centroid
- The Parabola Construction on a Sphere
- Tessellating the Sphere: Trirectangular Spherical Triangle
- A Spherical Cuboctahedron
- A spiral on a sphere
Système solaire