Rinus Roelofs
Rinus Roelofs 작품을 만들어둔 책입니다.
아래 사이트에서도 관찰할 수 있습니다.

- Stellations: Dual of the Cube
- Stellations: Dual of the Icosahedron
- Stellations: Dual of the Dodecahedron
- Dual of the truncated tetrahedron
- Dual of the truncated octahedron
- Dual of the truncated cube
- Dual of the truncated icosahedron
- Dual of the truncated dodecahedron
- Dual of the cuboctahedron
- Dual of the icosidodecahedron
- Dual of the rhombicuboctahedron
- Dual of the rhombicosidodecahedron
- Dual of the rhombitruncated cuboctahedron
- Dual of the rhombitruncated icosidodecahedron
- Dual of the snub cube
- Dual of the snub dodecahedron
2D Prints
- Stellated Rhombic Dodecahedron
- Stellated Dodecahedron
- Stellated Icosahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Rhombicuboctahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Snubcube
- Stellation of the Dual of the Icosidodecahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Truncated Icosahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Rhombicosidodecahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Snubdodecahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Truncated Icosahedron
- Stellated Rhombic Dodecahedron
- Stellated Dodecahedron
- Stellated Icosahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Rhombicuboctahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Snubcube
- Stellation of the Dual of the Icosidodecahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Truncated Icosahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Rhombicosidodecahedron
- Stellation of the Dual of the Snubdodecahedron
Bar Grid Spheres
- 001_Discs sphere - 6 discs
- 002_Discs sphere - 4 discs
- 005_Discs shpere - 12 discs
- 007_Discs sphere - 12 discs
- 010_Bar-grid sphere - 24 elements
- 013_Bar-grid sphere - 30 elements
- 014_Bar-grid sphere - 60 elements
- 015_Bar-grid sphere - 90 elements
- 017_Bar-grid sphere - 60 elements
- 018_Bar-grid sphere - 60 elements
- 019_Bar-grid sphere - 120 elements
- 020_Bar-grid sphere - 90 elements
- 022_Bar-grid sphere - 24 elements
- 022_변형_Bar-grid sphere - 24 elements
- 056_Bar-grid sphere - 10 elements