Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Třída

Amplitude and Midline - 2.6.13

Use the windmill animation to answer the questions below:

Let's say the windmill has a radius of 1 meter and its center is 8 meters off the ground. Write a function describing the relationship between the height  of Point  and the angle of rotation . Explain your reasoning. For a hint, write "Give me a hint!" and click "Check my answer"

Describe how your function and its graph would change if the windmill blade has length 3 meters.

Describe how your function and its graph would change if the windmill blade has length 0.5 meter.

Describe how your function and its graph would change if the windmill were 11 meters off the ground.

Test your predictions by graphing the functions below:

Here is the graph of a different function describing the relationship between the height y, in feet, of the tip of a blade and the angle of rotation θ made by the blade.

Describe the windmill.