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Integral calculus - Area AASL5.11


Area under the curve曲線の下の面積곡선 아래 면적曲线下的面积
Definite integral定積分정적분定积分
Trapezoidal rule台形則사다리꼴 규칙梯形规则
Geometric shapes幾何学的形状기하학적 도형几何形状
Algebraic method代数的方法대수적 방법代数方法
Area between curves曲線間の面積곡선 사이의 면적曲线之间的面积
Numerical methods数値方法수치 방법数值方法
Analytical methods解析的方法해석적 방법分析方法
Factual InquiryConceptual InquiryDebatable Inquiry
1. How does the process of integration relate to finding the area under a curve?1. What conceptual relationship exists between the algebraic method of integration and the geometric approach of area calculation?1. To what extent does the precision of integration as a mathematical tool affect its application in real-world problems?
2. In what ways do the geometric properties of shapes, like triangles and trapezoids, assist in estimating the area under a curve?2. Can the method of integration be seen as a universal tool across different branches of science, or are its limitations a barrier to its application in certain areas?

For the function f(x)=x Move point A to (0,0) and point B to (10,10) Calculate the area of the triangle. Compare this to the integral.  Comment on your findings.

Move point A to (5,5) and point B to (15,15). Calculate the area of the trapezium formed. Compare this to the integral. Comment on your findings.

Move point A to (-10,-10) and point B to (0,0) Confirm the area of the triangle remains the same but integral is now -50. How does the area under/above the curve relate to the integral.

Move point to (10,10) The area of the two triangles is now, whilst the area of the integral is .  How can you explain this. Compare it to . Experiment with moving points A and B. When is the  equal to


Move point A to (0,0) and point B to (10,10). Note the integral.Move point B to (10,10) and point A to (0,0). Note the integral. What can we conjecture about the relationship between and

Part 2 - Area between curves

Here we will look at working areas enclosed between two functions

Function Positioning: Observe the graph and identify which function, or , lies above the other between points A and B. Which function should be subtracted from which to find the area between them? Swap the functions, so , and . How does this change the calculation?

Experiment with using the slider to translate the curves upwards. How does this simplfiy the overall calculation and explain why we don't need to consider when the area enclosed between the curves lie above or below the x-axis.

Part 2 - Practice questions

Selection of questions from Christos. Question 1-4 Practice questions Questions 5-34 Section A - Short answer style questions Question 34-60. Section B - Long answer style questions



Part 3 - Support materials

Videos on this.

Areas using GDC

Areas without GDC

Areas between curves