Angle Measures of Rotated Figures

Vorschau für Schüler*innen


GR. 6-8


Verify how properties and relationships of geometric figures are maintained or how they change through transformations.

Verified resource

Angle Measures of Rotated Figures

Explore how figures are affected by rotations and verify that their angle measures remain unchanged.

Offene Frage 1

How are the image and the pre-image different?

Eingabe von Text und mathematischen Symbolen

Offene Frage 2

What stays the same after a rotation?

Eingabe von Text und mathematischen Symbolen

Offene Frage 3

How can you use the triangles in the grid to show that an image has the same angle measurements as a pre-image?

Eingabe von Text und mathematischen Symbolen

Offene Frage 4

Can you use the triangles in the grid in the same way to show that the angle measurements of the image and pre-image of a right triangle are the same? Why or why not?

Eingabe von Text und mathematischen Symbolen