Geometry Review

Tabla de contenidos
- Animation 1
- Animation 3
- Animation 63
- Animation 81
- Animation 97
- Animation 134
- Animation 136
- Animation 137
- Proof Without Words
- Animation 98
- Animation 99
- Animation 100
- Animation 200
- Animation 173
- Animation 174
- Animation 103
- Animation 89
- Animation 12
- Animation 116
- Animation 50
- Animation 78
- Animation 76
- Animation 24
- Animation 96
- Animation 101
- Animation 33
- Animation 61
- Animation 45
- Animation 79
- Animation 88
- Animation 92
- Animation 91
- Animation 138
- Animation 225
- Animation 242
- Animation 243
Activities- Foundations
- Create a Triangle with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Create a Trapezoid with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Partition Line Segments
- Quiz: Distance in the Coordinate Plane (V1)
- Quiz: Distance in the Coordinate Plane (V2)
- Writing Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Perpendicular Lines Definition (& Consequence)
Activities- Triangles
Activities- Trigonometry
- Practice: Pythagorean Theorem (1)
- Quiz: Pythagorean Theorem (2A)
- Right Triangles: Identifying Sides WRT Acute Angles
- Identifying Trig Ratios: Quick Formative Assessment
- Finding Exact Trig Ratios: Quiz Question Generator
- Finding Acute Angles of Right Triangles
- Right Triangle Trig: Solving for Sides
- Right Triangle Trig: Solving for Sides (2)
- Special Right Triangles: Basic Questions
- Quiz: Special Right Triangles
- Trigonometric Ratios (Right Triangle Context)
Activities- Circles
- Equation & Graph of a Circle
- Circle Terminology
- Congruent Chords: Quick Investigation
- Diameters & Chords I (VA)
- Congruent Chords Action (A)
- Angle Formed by 2 Chords (II)
- Angles from Secants and Tangents (V1)
- Angle From 2 Secants (V2)
- Crossing Chords: Proof Hint
- Secants: Proof Hint
- 1 Radian: Clear Definition
- Movie: Radians to Revs
- Arc length: Quick Investigation
- Area of a Sector
- Arc Length and Area of a Sector (V1)
- Arc Length and Area of a Sector (V2)
- Radius Unwrapper v2.0
Short Answer
- Law of Sines (& Area)
- Law of Cosines: Discovery
- Medians & Equal Areas!
- Morley Action!
- Napoleon Motion!
- Hexagonal Napoleon Theorem?
- Viviani Action! (REVAMPED)
- Equal Triangular Areas in a Regular Pentagon
- NCTM Calendar Problem (11-2-2016)
- 9-Point Circle (Informal Investigation)
- Cut-The-Knot Action !!!
- Law of Sines (Illustrated)